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Anniversary to Remember

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Sr Antonietta Loreti
Sr Carmelisa D’Agostino
Sr Carolyn Schilling
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Monday, 06 May 2024 10:05

Master, teach us to pray - Spiritual retreat for postulants

I am grateful to the Lord for his gift to spend a few days with the postulants who were preparing for the novitiate praying with them and for them.
Our journey began with a pilgrimage to Vallecorsa, where we stopped at the places that marked the milestones of St. Maria De Mattias' Christian initiation and vocation. Sr Isabella and Sr Concetta warmly welcomed us, offering hospitality and a good lunch.
Arriving in the evening in Acuto, we wanted to ask for the intercession of the Foundress before her relic in the little church of the Motherhouse. All the sisters we met, Sr Teresina, Sr Martha, Sr Rani, Sr Maria Grazia, Sr Maria, Sr Angela, Sr Transito, Sr Gabriella, showed us affection and welcome, ensuring that atmosphere of serenity that helped us to pray.
There were five of us: Mariia from Russia, Mirjana from Australia, Antonjia and Tereza from Croatia. The postulants from Tanzania were unable to join us, but they too had their spiritual retreat in preparation for entering the novitiate a few days before us. Sr. Mariamma, the novice directress, was with us only for the beginning of our stay because she had to return to Rome to welcome the other companions from Tanzania.
We prayed in the silence of Acuto devoting ourselves to listening to the Word of God and reflecting on the fruits of the Holy Spirit. The weather was very variable, tending toward cold and rainy, but it allowed us to greet Acuto on a beautiful sunny day.
The young people were very committed and eager to follow the Lord. I believe the Holy Spirit found docile and joyful hearts in them. I thank them for their prayers and for that underlying serenity that accompanied the days spent together.  
In time the fruits will ripen!

Sr. Patrizia Pasquini, ASC

Articolo Novizie Acuto
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