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Anniversary to Remember

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Sr Antonietta Loreti
Sr Carmelisa D’Agostino
Sr Carolyn Schilling
Sr Fatima Euriza Mario Gomes
Sr Rosa Tolve


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Friday, 05 April 2024 09:49

Walking with St. Maria De Mattias

It is heartwarming to see how day after day the good continues to materialize through the generous and tireless work of the ASCs. Maria De Mattias would surely be proud of us, indeed she is! I am sure that she misses nothing of what her daughters think, say, do and, most of all, live. I realize that a newsletter cannot express or contain the vitality and aliveness of ASCs, but it can give, so to speak, a taste of it. Even before being a means of communication, it is a place for sharing. Sharing is good for us. It broadens our horizons, bridges distances, sets imaginations in motion, ignites curiosity, inspires, encourages and opens our hearts wide. So let us share our lives spent daily in the peripheries, in schools and universities, in offices, in retirement homes, in social services, in parishes, in spirituality centers; but above all, let us share our lives as they are, without a lot of fuss, without ifs and buts, because they are animated by the ambitious desire to please Jesus. I share a phrase from Tagore that every morning ‘waits’ for me when I enter the office: By my work I will tell who is hidden behind my life.
On February 4, we remembered and celebrated our Foundress in every corner of the world, wherever there is even a single ASC. We gave thanks for her life and renewed with her our YES as individuals and as a global community. We continue to walk together sharing our lives and mission certain that God is hidden behind our lives.

Sr. Barbara Perali, ASC

Festa MDM

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